Hire us to obtain the Condominium Documents Package from your Association |
We make it sooooo easy for you! |
We save you time & can even save you $$! |
That's right, we have been known to save clients up to $100, sometimes more!
We know exactly what to order, where to find the documents at the best possible price, and how much can be legally charged for those documents. |
Our Service Fee is Only $69 + GST (up to 1 hour) or $99 + GST (over 1 hour) |
Service Fee + the cost of the Documents (no mark-up)
We will send you an invoice once the package is purchased & received Payment: Etransfer is preferred. Other options available Once all the documents have been collected, we will email you a copy of them If any subsequent collections are needed pertaining to the original order, there will be a cost of $45 + GST for each occurrence |
Please keep in mind that Condominium Law indicates a Corporation may take up to 10 business days to provide requested documents. Often times, a rush service may be available. Please select your desired time-frame option below.