We are proud to offer two different condo courses.
How to Manage a Condo |
Contains a full spectrum of information. Ideal for anyone in the industry who is involved as a decision maker (such as a Board Member) or an Administrator for a Condominium Property. For the full course, dive into a different topic each class, where we pack as much information as possible into a 2 hour period. We are pleased to have guest presenters share their knowledge. Such as Lawyers, Accountants, Reserve Fund Specialists and Insurance Specialists. Be prepared to acquire immense amounts of knowledge and new skills with every class/topic! |
Realtors Course |
Specifically designed with Realtors and their team members in mind. We cover information you need to know in order to help your clients buy or sell their condos. You will leave this course with confidence to be a competent Agent on any Condo Unit purchase or sale. |